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Hospital Facilities

Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda
Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda hospital provides treatment facilities to Outpatients and 150-bedded Inpatients departments. Hospitals are well supported by modern laboratory investigation facilities like Pathology, Biochemistry laboratories, Radiology, Sonography, E.C.G. etc.

In this hospital most of the facilities are provided at free of cost with full financial support from Govt. of India, Dept of AYUSH. Poor patients are provided free consultation, medicines, food and clothing in this hospital. Hospitals have the support of well-qualified physicians & surgeons and provides specialized treatment procedures of Ayurveda like :

  • Panchakarma
  • Ksharasutra
  • Kriyakalpa
  • Agnikarma & Leech therapy
  • Old age care (Rasayana)
  • Reproductive health care (Vajikaran)
  • Child health care and neonatal care
This hospital also provide training and research facilities for Post Graduate and Ph.D. scholars.

A fully equipped Panchakarma wing of hospital provides various types of massages, fomentation, Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, Nasya, Shirodhara, Pizichil etc procedures. This hospital has fully equipped with operation theatre and maternity room.

Other than regular services, this hospital provides extension services like in-service training programme, Rural Health Services etc.

Institute has established satellite clinics as part of research activities. Following two clinics are conducted regularly:

1. OPD at Sasoi Garden (25 Km away from Jamnagar City)
2. Indian Navy Centre, Valsura, Jamnagar
3. Indian Army
4. Indian Airforce
5. District Jail, Jamnagar
6. Konja Village

Regular diagnostic camps are being organized in rural areas of the Gujarat. Scholars are also involved in these camps, which will made them to get aware about the health status at rural areas.

Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurved Chikitsalaya
Regular O.P.D.s of the following departments are serving the ailing humanity :
Kayachikitsa (General Medicine)
Shalya (Surgery)
Shalakya (E.N.T. & Eye)
Prasutitantra evam Striroga (Gynaec & obstetrics)
Kaumarbhrutya (Paediatrics)
Roganidana& Vikrutivigyan, (Pathology)
Panchakarma (Shodhana & Abhyanga etc.)

And also separate O.P.D.s are available for the department of Swasthavrutta (Preventive & social medicine), Dravyaguna (Materia medica) & Agada tantra (Toxicology)
  • Besides the above stated departments, special O.P.D.s for
    1 - Madhumeha (Diabetes)
    2 - Manoswasthya (Mental health)

    3 - Arogya jyotish (medical astrology)
    are also functioning.

  • The chikitsalaya has a well furnished Panchakarma therapy center where all the main treatments of Panchakarma like - abhyanga, vamana, virechana, nasya, basti-etc. are carried out. There are separate sections for male and female.

  • The O.P.D.s provide medical examination, counseling and available medicines at free of cost.

  • The I.P.D.s provide indoor admission facilities to the patients, where total medical care including various tests and food will be provided at free of cost.

  • A well equipped labour room with facilities to carry out labours is available.

  • The hospital has a well equipped air conditioned operation theater.

  • The hospital provides facilities of x- ray & sonography to the O.P.D. patients at nominal rates where as it is free of cost for the indoor patients.

  • The laboratory of the hospital is equipped with the modern technology and carries out the routine as well as some of the specialized tests at the nominal rates for the out door patients and free of cost for the indoor patients.