Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
Exam Fees Receipt
Pay Exam Fees
GAU - Other Fees
Enrollment Number
- OR -
Select Fees
Internship Completion Certificate
Thesis M.D. / M.S. (Ayu.)
Migration Certificate
Re-Assessment for Written Exam. (Per Answer Sheet)
Re-Assessment for Practical Exam.
Merit Certificate
Marksheet attested (Per Marksheet)
Marksheet / Certificate Verification (Per Document)
Duplicate Marksheet / Internship Completion Certificate (Per Marksheet / Internship Completion Certificate)
Exam. Centre Change
Correction in the Marksheet / Certificate
Marksheet of All Examination
Ph.D. Provisional Certificate
Internship N. O. C.
Migration N. O. C.
Medium of Instruction Certificate
UG (B.S.A.M./B.A.M.S./B.Pharm (Ayu)/B.N.Y.S) - Original Certificate
UG (B.S.A.M./B.A.M.S./B.Pharm (Ayu)/B.N.Y.S) - Duplicate Certificate
UG (B.A.M.S Foreigners Course) - Original Certificate
UG (B.A.M.S Foreigners Course) - Duplicate Certificate
P.G. Degree (M.D.(Ayu)/M.S.(Ayu)/M.Pharm(Ayu)/M.Sc.(Medi.Plants)) - Original Degree Certificate
P.G. Degree (M.D.(Ayu)/M.S.(Ayu)/M.Pharm(Ayu)/M.Sc.(Medi.Plants)) - Duplicate Degree Certificate
Diploma Degree (D.Pharm(Ayu)/D.Net/D.Y.N/P.G.D.Y.N) - Original Degree Certificate
Diploma Degree (D.Pharm(Ayu)/D.Net/D.Y.N/P.G.D.Y.N) - Duplicate Degree Certificate
Ph.D. Degree (Ph.D.(Ayu)/Ph.D.(Medi Plants)/Ph.D.(Ayu. Pharmacy)) - Original Degree Certificate
Ph.D. Degree (Ph.D.(Ayu)/Ph.D.(Medi Plants)/Ph.D.(Ayu. Pharmacy)) - Duplicate Degree Certificate
Old Degree Certificate Worn Out - New Degree Certificate
Degree Certificate Verification Fee
Recruitment application Fees - General
Recruitment application Fees - Reserved category
Number of Answer Sheets: