GAU - Institute offers Ph.D. courses for Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences or Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences
Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda PGT Self Finance Course Cell
Gujarat Ayurved University located in Jamnagar city, situated on the western part of Gujarat state is a unique and the only statutory University of its kind. It offers advanced courses on all aspects of Ayurveda. Taking into consideration the rapid increase of worldwide interest and demand for the plant based drugs in the last few decades leading to large scale commercial production of both classical and proprietary herbal formulations in the country, it has introduced several courses designed in the context of the present situation, covering different aspects of Ayurveda and allied traditional systems of medicine. Introduction of these multidisciplinary courses in the present times is considered most opportune, since the global demand for herbal preparations is growing in an exponential manner. India is a rich treasure of medicinal plants and can become the main source for supply of herbal drugs to the whole world but lack of or inadequate quality standards of raw material has been one of the major impediments in wider acceptance of herbal drugs. Various international agencies like World Health Organization have been emphasizing on the importance and need of standardization of herbal raw material.
 Skilled technical man power possessing the knowledge on all aspects of medicinal plants are needed for this. Sensing its urgency, an effort was put forth by establishing a self finance institute for awarding M.Sc. Degree in Medicinal Plant Science & M. Pharm (Ayu.) by Gujarat Ayurved University in the year 1999-2000 which has been merged in the year 2006 with Dravayaguna department of Institute of Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda providing all the laboratory facilities and infrastructure for the betterment of the course. Some of our alumni’s have joined research institutes as research Associates, while many others have joined reputed Industries of India. It is gratified to note that the course has been recognized various, well-known government organizations like ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) CCRAS (Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha) etc.
Courses offered on self-finance basis by the SFC- cell of IPGT and RA
1. Master degree in Medicinal Plants Sciences- M. Sc. (Medicinal Plants) 
2. Master degree in Pharmacy (Ayu.). – M. Pharm (Ayu)
Information common to both the courses:
General Information
Application:   Eligible candidates may apply by giving the detailed bio-data in specific format attached to this brochure.  Please attach the English translation of attested copies of certificates. The filled application may be submitted along with the application fee by a Demand Draft/Bank Payment Order drawn in favor of The Director, IPGT & RA.  Enquiries regarding courses may be sent to:
Director I.P.G.T. & R.A.
Gujarat Ayurved University
Jamnagar - 361 008. (Gujarat), India.

Phone (O) +91 288 - 2661315

Foreigners have to complete all passport and visa requirements.  Please proceed to India only after getting admission letter from this University and subsequently obtaining study Visa.  The University will not take any responsibility in this regard.

Admission Criteria  B. Pharm Ayurved candidates applied for M. Pharm:- MSQ based entrance exam
For other candidates - Academic record and counseling.
  For M.Sc. : Academic record and counseling.
  For Ph.D. : Entrance exam and counseling.
Venue   All the courses will be conducted in the campus of Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar.
Lodging Students will have to arrange their own accommodation, however, on behalf ofthe students, University may  arrange private accommodation, but the students will have to bear the expenses.
Boarding  Students have to manage their own food.

All payments should be made by Demand Draft /Bank Payment Order drawn in favor of DIRECTOR I. P. G. T. & R. A. Gujarat Ayurved University

For foreign students, except from Nepal, all payments should be made only in American Dollars by Demand Draft/Bank payment order. No cash will be accepted. Our bankers are Bank of India, Hospital Road Branch, and Jamnagar, India.

Candidates can download the proforma of the application and submit along with the prescribed application fee.
Download the Proforma
Please see Regulations for PGT-SFC
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Last Updated on 28/02/2025 17:18 @Gujarat Ayurved University