Proforma for
Application |
To, |
The Director |
PGT SFC Cell |
I.P.G.T. & R.A. |
Gujarat Ayurved University, |
Jamnagar - 361 008. (Gujarat), India. |
Sub.: Application for admission in the Course .............................................................................. |
1. Name of the Applicant : |
(In capital letters) |
2. Father's Name : |
3. Permanent Home Address : |
4. Address for Communicaiton : |
5. Nationality : |
6. Category : |
7. Date of Birth : |
9. Educational Qualificaitons: |
Name of Exam |
University |
Year of Passing |
Subjects |
Percentage |
Div./Class |
10. Other relevant information : |
11. Details of Applicaiton Fee : |
For Foreign students only (column 12-16) |
12. Passport No. : |
Issued from: |
13. Type of Visa: |
Valid up to : |
14. Expected date of arrival in India : |
15. Date of arrival and address in India : |
(If you are in India) |
16. Whether self supproting or scholarship holder : |
(Please attach true copies testimonials/proof for 5,6,7,9,10 and 11) |
I hereby declare that the information give aboe is true. In case I am selected for the course, I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the University applicable to the
course trainees/students and also the laws in force in the country binding on
foreign nationals. |
Date : |
Place : |