Gujarat Ayurved University – We provide basic & in-depth knowledge of Ayurveda to foreign nationals in the subjects like Panchkarma, RasaSastra, Shalya, Shalakya, Drvayaguna, Basic Principles Stri Roga and Prasuti Tantra , Panchkarma, Shalakya etc. Institute is for Ayurvedic Research and Studies.
Master of Pharmacy (Ayurveda) M.Pharm (Ayu) (under PGT SFC Cell)
This is a Master Degree course to provide in depth knowledge of Ayurvedic drugs, their method of manufacturing and also their standardization and quality control aspects. There will be specialization in following subjects:
a. Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics (Rasa Shastra & Bhaishjya Kalpna)
b. Ayurvedic Plant Sciences (Dravyaguna Vigyan)
c. Pharmaceutical Analysis and Standardization of Ayurvedic drugs.
d. Pharmacology and Toxicology of Ayurvedic Drugs
e. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry of Ayurvedic Drugs
The course comprises of both theoretical and practical training.
Duration of Course Two years
Eligibility B. Pharm (Ayu.) / B. Pharm (Modern) Degree
Age Minimum 20 years.
Medium of Teaching English
No. of Seats Total Seats - 20
Academic year Starts in the month of July each year.
Mode of Examination Annual, at the end of each academic year.
Tuition Fee Rs.50000 per annum in 4 installments for Indian Students and US $ 200 per month for foreign students. 40% concession in tuition fee and registration fee for candidates from SAARC countries and NRI sponsored candidates.
Application Fee Rs. 1000 (US$ 20 for foreign students)
Lodging Foreign students will be provided accommodation in International Scholars Hostel. At present there is no hostel facility for candidates from India.
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Admission Proceedure:
Applications invited from qualified candidates through Uni. website and news paper ad, during June every year.
For B.Pharm (Ayu)      : MSQ based entrance exam followed by couseling.
For B.Pharm (Modern) : on merit followed by couseling.
GAU - Institute for Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Science
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Last Updated on 28/02/2025 17:18 @Gujarat Ayurved University