GAU - Institute offers Ph.D. courses for Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences or Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences
Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda
Brief History  
  • In 1952, Govt. of India has established a Central Institute of Research in Ayurveda at Jamnagar in the palacious building -'Dhanvantari Mandir'.

  • On 20th July, 1956 a Post Graduate Training Centre in Ayurveda (PGTCA) was established.

  • In 1962, CIRISM and PGTCA were merged to form Institute for Ayurvedic Studies and Research (IASR)

  • In 1963, IASR was renamed as Institute for Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (IPGT&RA).

  • On 11th June, 1970 Lease Deed between Govt. of India and GAU was singed and immovable properties etc of IPGT &RA were handed over to the GAU for the management of the Institute.

  • This institute is fully financed by Govt. of India and administered by Gujarat Ayurved University.

  • Top rating has been given to this Institute by Ministry of AYUSH in it's internal grading.

  • This Institute is designated as WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicines (Ayurveda).

  • Students from Europe,Africa and SAARC countries are studying in P.G. & Ph.D. courses.
IPGT &RA new building
Mission of the Institute
Global propagation of Ayurveda
Vission of the Institute
To serve as custodian of classical Ayurvedic knowledge

To develop competent human resources of teaching and research in Ayurveda

To meet the present day requirements by incorporating  advances of basic sciences
To serve the requirement of global health care
To serve as centre of excellence for Ayurveda
To do collaborative research to revalidate traditional claims and principles
To enrich pharmacopoeia through evidence based research
To mainstream AYURVEDA in the public health
To support and enriching National Health Mission


Unique Achievements of the Institute

Since inception, this institute has been engaged in teaching as well as research activities and has been attained unique achievements. Few of them are as follows:

1. It is the premier Post Graduate and Research Centre of India for Ayurveda.
2. The first Ayurvedic Institution to start short term regular Ayruvedic courses for Foreigners.
3. The first and the only PG centre in Ayurveda having independent Pharmacology Laboratory and Animal House.
4. First to start M.Pharm (Ayu.) & M.Sc. (Medicinal Plants) Courses.
5. Ph.D. in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences and Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences.
6. First to initiate Pharmacovigilance system for ASU Drugs and this institute has been designated as National Pharmacovigilance Resource Centre (NPRC) for ASU Drugs.
7. First Institution to prepare PG theses database and releases full script of PG theses in electronic format (2000-2014)
8. First to launch e-learning programme in Ayurveda for sensitization of modern medical professionals, available through online.
9. Implimenting agency for MOU of Gujarat Ayurved University with more than 20 National and International institutes.
10. Digitization of more than 800 manuscripts has been completed till date.
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  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
GAU - Institute for Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Science
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AYU-Research Journal
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Last Updated on 13/12/2024 17:19 @Gujarat Ayurved University