GAU - Institute for Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Science
Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda
Experimental Research Laboratories
Pathology Laboratory    
Institute has a well-equipped pathology laboratory, which carries out the routine haematological and pathological investigations to support the diagnosis and researches. Laboratory is supported by qualified technical staff to carry out these tests. They also teach modern methodology of research to P.G. students. Emphasis is also laid on independent pathological and bacteriological research.
Biochemistry Laboratory
This laboratory has facilities to carry out the routine biochemical tests pertaining to blood. This laboratory is supported by the qualified technical staff. Research is being carried out on enzymological aspects with regard to Ayurvedic drug composition.
Microbiology Laboratory
With sanction of Govt. of India; a new research laboratory for microbiological investigation has been set up to help the research activities.
Modern (Medical) Team
This Institute has a team of modern medical doctors who carry out the clinical diagnostic procedures like ECG, spirometry etc. This team also conducts clinical teaching to the P.G. students and guides them in their researches when and wherever required. The team is associated in different research activities with regard to modern interpretation of Ayurvedic concepts and findings.
Pharmacology Laboratory
The Laboratory was started as a full-fledged research laboratory in 1987. It is fairly well equipped and staffed with qualified persons. The animal house attached to the Laboratory fully meets the rats and mice requirement of the Institute.

The main objective of establishing the Laboratory was to undertake pharmacological studies on drugs and formulations used in Ayurvedic therapeutics to provide pharmacological basis to their clinical applications and also to elucidate toxicological profile of selected preparations, mainly mineral and metal preparations.
Training and supervisions are provided for students registered for M.D. (Ayu), Ph.D., B.Pharm, M.Pharm and M.Sc. (Medicinal plants) in the University. It also offers consultancy in the field of drug research besides undertaking research projects on contract basis.

At present the main areas of research are - adaptogenic, immunomodulation, hepatoprotective and spermatogenesis enhancement and aphrodisiac activities evaluation in single and compound Ayurvedic preparations. Studies are also carried out for evaluating anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-cataract, anti-diabetic, hypolipidaemic and psychoneuropharmacological activities.

Based on the data generated from the studies carried out in the Laboratory, more than 40 papers have been published in national and international scientific journals and also equal number of presentations have been made in different seminars and conferences. Since its inception (Ayu) and Ph.D. Scholars are utilizing the facilities of the laboratory to carry out experimental part of their studies.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory
This Laboratory is engaged in manifold activities like teaching and practical training, analysis of samples received from Pharmacy Department of this university for evaluating their standards, planning an execution of independent research projects, consultancy in the field of drug research; acquisition and dissemination of information in the area of medicinal plants are the other activities of the laboratory.
Analysis of samples received from Pharmacy Department of this University for evaluating their standards, planning and execution of independent research projects, consultancy in the field of Drug research, and acquisition and dissemination of information in the area of medicinal plants are the other activities of the laboratory.

The main area of research is in the field of standardization of single and compound Ayurvedic formulations. Based on the research work carried out in the Laboratory more than 60 papers have been published/presented in various National and International Journals/Conferences.
Pharmacognosy Laboratory
Pharmacognosy Laboratory has been a part of the Central Institute of Research in Indigenous Systems of Medicine (CIRISM) at Jamnagar since 1952. Afterwards the Department was renamed as Pharmacognosy Laboratory and it is functioning as one of the five Laboratories in the Institute of Post-Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda. The Laboratory is well equipped and staffed by highly qualified and well-experienced staff members and has facility for carrying out research on various aspects of Pharmacognosy of medicinal plants. It is also involved in teaching activities.

At present the laboratory has multifarious activities including teaching and giving guidance to M.D. (Ayu.) and Ph.D. Scholars; imparting theoretical and practical training to students of Post-Graduate and Graduate courses like M. Pharm (Ayu.), B. Pharma (Ayu.) and M. Sc. (Medicinal Plants). Resource development of Medicinal Plants, Establishment of tissue culture laboratory, Green Houses etc. Preparation of CD for Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants, Publication of books on Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants and Research Articles etc.

In view of the large number of medicinal herbs that form the bulk of the therapeutic armamentarium of Ayurveda, it is of vital importance to ensure that only genuine herbs/drugs are used in all of its various recipes. The Laboratory has surveyed and collected Ayurvedic medicinal plants from different states of India including Gujarat, Rajasthan, U.P., Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The results of the survey have already been published in various Scientific Journals. 

1. The Laboratory has a well-established Herbarium of Medicinal Plants with more than 1300 species of plants belonging to 146 plant families with all relevant information.
2. Experimental cultivation of Ayurvedic medicinal plants has been started in 1954. Rauvolfia serpentina and R. tetraphylla (Sarpagandha) have been cultivated for the first time in Gujarat and their alkaloidal contents have been improved. More than 200 species of medicinal plants have already been raised in various gardens of the University. A new species of Tephrosia Pers (Leguminosae) has been reported from Jamnagar.
3. The Laboratory was involved in training programmes for tribals and forest Beat Guards in identification, method of collection, preservation and cultivation of Medicinal Plants have been undertaken with the assistance of WHO and Ministry of Health, Govt. of India.
4. More than 200 colour photographs and transparencies of Medicinal plants have been prepared.
5. Establishment of tissue culture laboratory, Green Houses, etc preparation of CD for Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants, publication of books on Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants and Research Articles are also being undertaken.
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Last Updated on 11/03/2025 16:54 @Gujarat Ayurved University