Gujarat Ayurved University – We provide basic & in-depth knowledge of Ayurveda to foreign nationals in the subjects like Panchkarma, RasaSastra, Shalya, Shalakya, Drvayaguna, Basic Principles Stri Roga and Prasuti Tantra , Panchkarma, Shalakya etc. Institute is for Ayurvedic Research and Studies.
Academic Audit
Evaluation - Monthwise Subjectwise
Overall Evaluation
Evaluation - Scale Details

What exactly is an Academic Audit ?

An academic audit reviews the processes or procedures that faculty members use to provide a quality education in their speciality or department. Academic audits concern themselves more with the processes that faculty use to think about their curriculum decisions and how they carry out these activities in the best interests of the discipline and student learning. Academic audits also focus on how faculty members organize these activities and how well they perform them.

In nut shell, academic audit isthe road map to academic success. It is faculty-driven model of ongoing self-reflection, feedback, collaboration, and teamwork based on structured conversation to improve educational quality processes in teaching and learning and hence student success.

Quality Principles
  • Focus on process (how things can get done better)
  • Learn from best practice
  • Make continuous improvement

Expected Outcomes
  • Teaching methodology that supports institutional effectiveness
  • Quality improvement of teaching and learning

The initial academic audits will focus more on the teaching and learning process, and we envision that it can later be expanded to address the research and service functions as well. Once in place, the processes could easily be expanded into other areas like researches etc. where the expected outcomes are more established (e.g., papers published, grants received, etc.).

In other ways, academic audits also invite departments to describe the strengths and weaknesses of their efforts to improve the academic quality of their programs and identify plans for improvement. Such activities are clearly developmental. Considering all these positive aspects in mind, Gujarat Ayurved University has designed this Academic Audit that is anticipated as paramount in program design.

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Last Updated on 20/01/2025 22:22 @Gujarat Ayurved University