GAU - Institute offers Ph.D. courses for Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences or Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences
Yoga & Naturopathy Education and Research (Maharishi Patanjali Institute)

The clairvoyant administration of Gujarat Ayurved University had foreseen that in days to come, need of inclusion of yoga and natural life style in order to receive a disease free life shall rule the humanity. It was with this view point that along with the curricular provision of teaching yoga and naturopathy, the process of its promotion and propagation on the base of Ayurvedic guide lines in the society was initiated by the Swasthavrutta department of Shree Gulabkunwarba Ayurved College since the year 1982 . The seed then sown grew up as institute for naturopathy yoga and physiotherapy (I. N. Y. P.) in the year 1995 as a self supported independent institute, which kept on growing and took the form of a full-fledged independent self financed institute named as "Maharshi Patanjali Institute For Yoga Naturopathy Education & Research" in year 2000 A.O. the institute, at present, has its own separate educational complex having Yoga department with large Yoga halls, well equipped naturopathy department with physiotherapy unit, a gymnasium and class rooms. Besides being attached to the central library of G.A.U. containing approx 25000 books on various subjects, the institution has a separate library containing around 2000 books, audio and video cassettes, CDs on naturopathy yoga and other oriental and traditional therapies.

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Last Updated on 28/02/2025 17:18 @Gujarat Ayurved University