Gujarat Ayurved University - Masters Degree in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences or Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences, Kayachikitsa, Kaumbharbhritya, Drvyaguna, Shalya, Shalakya, Rasashastra, Prasuti Tantra & Stri Roga
Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar Publication
About the Book
A book dealing with the Microscopy of powdered crude drugs of Indigenous Medicinal Plants was a long necessity. Crude drugs in the powdered form sold in the commerce are Liable for adulteration both intentionally and unintentionally. This has been going on since ages and shall continue forever.
Microscopic examination is a simplest and cheapest tool for standardization of crude drugs which has found to be forgotten under the deluge of new technologies. This volume contains monographs on 90 powder leaf drugs including their substitutes, adulterants etc. Majority of the authentic drugs selected being classical drugs used in various Ayurvedic formulations. Leaves of some of the whole plant drugs of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Like  Mandukparni, Brahmi, Tragia etc. have also been considered for their identification. It also contain few reputed leaf drugs like Digitalis, Stevia, Costus etc.
In introduction the general information pertaining to leaf morphology and microscopy like their shapes, sizes, contents, types of stomata, trichomes etc. have been described and highlighted by giving their figures also. Each monograph contains Botanical name of the plant. Family, English, Sanskrit and other Vernacular names in different languages. The coloured photographs of individual Leaf or Leaflet showing its dorsal and ventral surfaces, powders, flowering twigs, diagrammatic transverse sections passing through the midrib and diagnostic characters of the powders have been given along with their detail write up of each character. The chemical constituents and therapeutic uses of the leaves have also been mentioned at the end.
The first book of this kind dealing with standardization of powder bark drugs showing diagnostic characters drawn with the help of camera Lucida, published in 2005 was greatly appreciated by various pharmaceutical and research organisations; the second book on Leaf drugs, will surely prove useful to vast majority of readers including scientists, herbalist, teachers and students of both Pharmacy, Ayurveda and other Scientific streams.
For Further details contact: 
Prof. M. G. Chauhan / A. P. G. Pillai
Gujarat Ayurved University
Jamnagar 361 008. (India).
Ph. : +91-288-2661315,
Fax : +91-288-2676856
Mobile : 9898228249 

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Last Updated on 20/01/2025 22:22 @Gujarat Ayurved University