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Microscopic profile of Powdered Drugs used in Indian System of Medicine Vol.1 Bark Drugs

A book -Microscopic Profile of Powdered Drugs Used in Indian Systems of Medicine- Volume-I- Bark drugs, authored by Prof. (Mrs) M.G.Chauhan & Shri.A.P.G. Pillai and published by IAMPS under sponsorship of Shri Vipin Patel –CEO- TISCHON Corporation, New York, USA was released by I/c. Vice-Chancellor Dr. M.N.Gohil, on January 27, 2005. On this occasion Dr. Gohil discussed the importance of medicinal plants in ayurvedic therapeutics and stressed that genuine raw drugs should be used for manufacturing ayurvedic formulations. This publication will be of immense utility for pharmaceutical industry, drug testing laboratories, teachers & students, Dr. Gohil said. Prof. A.J. Baxi, Dean- IAPS said that this book includes microscopic profile of powder of 55 bark drugs belonging to 52 species and hoped for coming volumes to include other drugs belonging to fruit, leaves, roots, etc. Prof. M.G. Chauhan, Dean – IAMPS thanked the sponsor Shri Patel and highlighted aims & objectives of the publication. Prof. R.R.Dwivedi acknowledged formerly Vice Chancellor Dr. Kurup to inspire such publications. Prof. P.P.Sharma and Shri. R.M.Jhala had also spoken on this occasion. Dr. G.L.Atara proposed vote of thanks. Dr. B.Ravishankar compered the programme. The cost of book is: Rs 500 in India and US$ 50 abroad. The details can be obtained from Prof. Maltiben Chauhan- Dean, Institute of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar -361008, Gujarat (India),
Ph: 91-288-2661315
email: info@ayurveduniversity.com
Please send your orders to Dean- Institute of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. Send the amount in Advance by D/D on the name of Dean, Institute of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Sciences, Jamnagar. (Packaging and Forwarding Charges will be Extra)