Gujarat Ayurved University - For Ayurvedic Research and Studies. We provide in depth knowledge of Ayurvedic drugs, their method of manufacturing and also their standardization and quality control aspects. Courses in Kaumarbhritya, Stri Roga and Prasuti Tantra, Panchkarma, RasaSastra, Shalya, Shalakya, Drvayaguna, Basic Principles etc.
Advance Centre for Yoga Education and Research
Shri Gulabkunverba Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
In Collaboration with
(An autonomous organization under Deptt. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & F. W., Govt. of India)
All ancient Indic Sciences share the common roots and so does the sciences related to life and healthy living like Yoga and Ayurveda. Owing to this, not only many of their basic concepts about human existence are very similar but they are complimentary to each other. Ayurveda deals the most on the explanation about the psychosomatic structuro – functional aspects and herbalism for care of a healthy person and cure of ailments endangering the conditions of health, making it possible for a person to reach Salvation, where as the science of Yoga concentrates more on disciplining the body and the mind, and with morally correct living, uplifting the Spirit to achieve Kaivalya.
The present day living conditions have, on one hand, bestowed many boons with regards to materialistic acquirements and added extra comforts to the human life where as on the other, it has made humans addicted to all of them, taking them far away from their own self. Today, man knows more about the machines and gadgets which he cannot live without, but probably is unaware about the activities going on inside him. This chaotic and restless pursuit has made him a victim of many dreadful and life endangering conditions where a sure shot remedy seems to be far away. In such situations, the only way that can be of great help to the ailing humanity is to stop and look back to their proud possessions like Yoga and Ayurveda, which can save them from further damage and restore what has been lost. Obviously, these ideas are better spoken than implemented until and unless the proper scientific evidences are gathered and published for a wider acceptance. This can be facilitated if the torch bearing Institutions in these sciences join hands and collaborate in each others’ endeavors.
Keeping these views in mind, two leading institutes of the country, having an international repute viz. GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, Jamnagar in the field of Ayurveda and MORARJI DESAI NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF YOGA, New Delhi (An autonomous organization under Deptt. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & F. W., Govt. of India) in the field of  Yoga, decided to collaborate in establishing the project  “ADVANCED CENTRE FOR YOGA EDUCATION AND 
RESEARCH (ACYER)”, in the 11th Five year Plan for a period from 2008 – 2011, funded by MDNIY and managed by GAU at Gujarat Ayurved University, in the Department of Swasthavrutta, Shri Gulabkunverba Ayurved College, Jamnagar which has been taking care for the teaching, training, treatment, research, promotion and propagation of Yoga and its utility in day to day life since 1980 as a part of the curricular provision of Ayurvedic studies and has cradled and nourished Maharshi Patanjali Institute for Yoga Naturopathy Education and Research, Guj. Ayu. Uni.
The main goals of ACYER are to conduct ‘Foundation Course in Yoga for Ayurved Medical Graduates’ and to carry out long term meaningful scientific researches on ‘Disorders of the Respiratory Tract’ and ‘Geriatric Care’ along with carrying out various activities for promotion and propagation of Yoga in the surrounding regions and creating an environment for making Yoga an inevitable component of the day to day life of a common man.
In order to fulfill these goals, ACYER shall take up activities like:
  • Organizing the ‘Foundation Course in Yoga for Ayurved Medical Graduates’ at least twice a year and as per needed
  • Long term research studies on Respiratory Tract Disorders found more recurrent in this region and on Geriatric Care in general and specifically on some main ailments occurring in old age
  • Camps of short duration for the general public in and out of the centre for generating mass awareness
  • Lectures and lecture demonstrations at various places for the awakening an interest in Yogic practices
  • camps and lec. – dems in various educational institutes to attract the upcoming youth towards the importance and benefits of this science in routine life as well as to groom them to be better citizens.
    Address for Communication:
    Deptt. of Swasthavrutta,
    Shri Gulabkunverba Ayurved Mahavidyalaya,
    Dhanvantari Mandir, 
    Jamnagar-8   Ph: (P.P)0288 - 2676864
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    Last Updated on 27/12/2024 18:46 @Gujarat Ayurved University